Thursday, August 31, 2017

Elementary Library

This week in the library...

All classes had guidance with Mrs. Coleman this week instead of coming to library.

However, I went to each class once this week to read to them for a few minutes.

For PS2 we read the book on tape, Duck on a Bike.

For PS3 through Kindergarten we read the book We Can Get Along.  We then had a paper with a smiley face on one side and an angry face on the other.  We talked about things that would make us happy like sharing with each other, and things that would make us angry like being hit by another.  We showed the correct face with each action discussed.

For 1st through 4th grades we read the book Zach Makes Mistakes.  Each student was given a picture of a key with the words detect, correct, reflect, and nobody's perfect.  We talked about that we all make mistakes and how do think positive about them after we try to correct them.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Pre-K Computers

After chapel on Monday morning, a Pre-K class enters the computer be followed 2 hours later by another Pre-K class.  What a fun way to start the week.  It is amazing how they already are mastering the procedures of how to enter the lab and begin class.  Most of these children are proficient in using their home tablets, but using the mouse can present some challenging moments.  Our early class periods are spent reviewing our mouse skills plus learning about colors and other fun activities.  This week we actually made a pizza!!! Yum!

I hope you never get tired of hearing how adorable your children are!!
Have a wonderful's actually cool..

Mrs. Speck

Pre-2-Tablets Skills/#7  &#16 Skills/ #3 & #24 About Me About Me
4th-Practice Google Drawing

Elementary Library

This week in the library...

PS2- did not come to library.

PS3 - We read Bear's New Friend, I Broke My Trunk, and When Sophie Gets Angry, Really, Really Angry.

PK4 - We read When I Get Bigger and I Like Myself.  We learned how to take care of our library books and that we should treat it like a baby.  We got to check out our first library book!

Kindergarten - Mrs. Gee's class read No, David! and did a cut, paste and color sheet to reinforce good behavior.  Mrs. Woody's class read David Get's in Trouble and did a Yes/No activity to reinforce good behavior.

First Grade - We read Off to First Grade and made our own I Visit the Library book.

Second Grade - We read Lucille and A Zoo for Mister Muster to go along with their class's study of the author Arnold Lobel.

Third Grade - We began reading The Hunt for the Curious Cheese.

Fourth Grade - We completed reading Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days.

Friday, August 18, 2017

PS-3 Computers

These 3 year old children were amazing this week.  This is only their second time to come into the lab and they actually remembered our procedures very well.  We are always setting on the floor at first in front of the big screen, so they are able to listen to their instructions for the day.  Each child was assigned their computer last week, but did not actually touch the computer (which, of course was hard).  Learning to manipulate the mouse is rather difficult for their small hands, but it will only take a few weeks to master this skill.  Most are proficient in using the tablets, so their motor skills will continue to increase when they are comfortable using the 'mouse.' Our activities for the next few weeks will be concentrating on learning which button to push on the mouse.☺

Your children are adorable....

Have a nice weekend and hopefully you will be able to join us on Monday for our Solar Eclipse Day.

Mrs. Speck
PS-2 Tablets
PS-3 Skills/Finger Painting
PK-www. coloring Order
1st -Google Drawing-Solar Eclipse
2nd -Google Drawing-Solar Eclipse
3rd-Google Drawing-Solar Eclipse
4th- Google Drawing-Solar Eclipse

Elementary Library

This week in the library...

PS2 - We read Pete the Cat:  Too Cool for School and listed to the book on CD Pete the Cat:  Rockin' in My School Shoes.

PS3 - We discussed the Solar Eclipse and watched a YouTube video about the Eclipse.

PK4 - We discussed the Solar Eclipse and watched a YouTube video about the Eclipse.

Kindergarten - We discussed the Solar Eclipse and watched a YouTube video about the Eclipse.  We then made our own eclipse.

First Grade - We discussed the Solar Eclipse and watched a YouTube video about the Eclipse.  We then made our own eclipse.

Second Grade - We discussed the Solar Eclipse and watched a YouTube video about the Eclipse.  We then made our own eclipse.

Third Grade - We discussed the Solar Eclipse and watched a YouTube video about the Eclipse.  We then made our own eclipse.

Fourth Grade - We begin reading Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Elementary PE

Coach Freud’s Corner

The NEWS and all that’s news from the mysterious world
elementary physical education at Ezell-Harding Christian School.

August 15, 2017

“Now You See It, Now You Don’t”
Monday Morning, August 21, 2017, the elementary
PE  department will provide a special event for the 3rd and 4th grade classes as part of our celebration
for the “SOLAR ECLIPSE”.

Special Clue***Don’t Jump Out of an Airplane Without It!

Friday, August 11, 2017

Pre-School 2

'Adorable' is the first word that comes to mind when I think of this 2 year old class. Ending up the week with this class is very special to me. Learning our procedures will take a few weeks for these young children, but they will adapt very quickly.  ALL children love the tablets and after hearing a short story, seeing a video relating to their curriculum, the children sat at the table and the tablets were given  to them. The app today was about Elmo and the alphabet.  It is amazing how they all 'zeroed' in to Elmo.

Your children are precious.

Thank you for choosing Ezell-Harding for this school year.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs. Speck

Elementary Library

This week in the library...

PS2 - We read Pete the Cat:  Pet and the New Guy and read along with the book on CD Pete the Cat:  I Love My White Shoes.

PS3 - We read My New Friend is So Fun! and Tiny Goes to the Library.

PK4 - We read Clifford's Best Friend and I Took my Frog to the Library.  We then began learning Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes.

K - We read David Goes to School.  We then made a David puppet and discussed David's behavior and things we should and should not do at school.

1st - We took the STAR Assessment and checked out our first library book.

2nd - We took the STAR Assessment and checked out our first library book.

3rd - We took the STAR Assessment and checked out our first library book.

4th - We took the STAR Assessment and checked out our first library book.

We had a great first day in the library!

Monday, August 7, 2017

Coach Freud's Corner

The NEWS and all that's news from the mysterious world of elementary physical education of Ezell-Harding Christian School.

August 7, 2017

This fall Ezell-Harding students have a lot to look forward to as their physical education classes begin.  I am writing this blog as a preview to the activities planned for all the fall semester.  Here is a sample of what your child can look forward to:

  • SAVE THE STATUES (I previously said mysterious world of PE.)
  • SPEEDWAY(Hint-not for turtles.)
  • STEAL THE BACON (Not your traditional game of pork.)
  • THROW OUT THE TRASH (A favorite returns with a wrinkle)
  • ELIMINATOR (Need I say more?)
  • SECRET AGENT (If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret.)
  • FANTASTIC FRIDAYS (Oldies but Goodies and I am not referring to yours truly.)
  • PLAYGROUND (Everyone's favorite, weather permitting.)
This is just a sample of the physical exercise that is in store for Ezell-Harding PE students this fall.

Until next time, "KEEP ON PLAYING."

Coach Freud