Friday, February 23, 2018

Elementary Library

This week in the library...

PS2 - We read A Color of His Own and watched the YouTube video The Very Busy Spider.

PS3 - We read What is Blue?, What is Shape?, and Apes Finds Shapes.

PK4 - We read Up, Up, Down and then drew a picture of our favorite part of the book.

Kindergarten - We read Harold and the Purple Crayon.  We then made our own Harold book with a purple crayon.

First Grade - did not come to library.

Second Grade - We did the Digital Citizenship lesson Follow the Digital Trail.

Third Grade - did not come to library.

Fourth Grade - did not come to library.

2nd Grade-Computers

The winter Olympics have been exciting for all grades.  We have researched the different continents, events and athletes. Google word documents, Google drawing, and Google sheets have been used to complete assignments. This week the students pretended like they were one of the athletes and described their experience using Google Docs, and of course inserted a picture of their event. The  first time the 2nd grade students were introduced to Google sheets the project was to calculate our favorite types of cookies...I think chocolate chip was the winner.  This week we will use Google sheets again to calculate the  medals that the top 4 countries won.....hoping USA is at the top.   This assignment will be printed.  The 2nd graders are always engaged in our computer time together....great classes.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs. Speck

PS-2 Tablets
K games
1st- Google Drawing
2nd Grade-Google Docs
3rd Grade-Google Slides-Winter Olympics
4th Olympics

Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Art Zone... Paul Klee with 1st Grade

First Grade took a look at the works of Paul Klee. Specifically his piece tittled "Cat and Bird". We talked about how it didn't look like a traditional, or realistic drawing but the artist chose to give it more of an abstract style. After discussing about more about what abstract art is, we broke out our chalk pastels and got to work with our own abstract cats. 

I think they did a spectacular job!

Friday, February 16, 2018


The PS-3 classes have made such progress since the beginning of school.  They are well adjusted to the procedures of entering the computer lab and sitting on the floor in front of the room.  We always begin the class the same way...with a short nursery rhyme from their classroom curriculum and then a review of the letter they are having for the week.  The children always color that  letter from the website  Next the students are shown the website we will be using for the class and this week it was from  The children were able to draw on a Valentine picture and dress Elmo and Abby with different Valentine costumes.  All of these activities require the children to use their motor skills for the mouse.  They are totally amazing!!!

Both classes are adorable.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs. Speck

PS-2-Video-This Little Piggy
1st Grade- Google Drawing
2nd Grade- Google Sheets
3rd Grade-Google Slides


Thursday, February 15, 2018

The Art Zone... Stepping Stone Love

Febuary is just full of love and with the help of the Stepping Stones program, the love is spilling into EH's hallways. We've worked hard working on our motor skills while learning about color and having fun.

The two year olds learned if you smoosh red and white paint together that it becomes pink!

The preschool class worked on color mixing and making different shades of pink and purple. They also worked on fine moter skills as they used cotton swabs to paint.

Pre-K worked on keeping control of their cotton swabs by filling their hearts full of poka-dots. I'm also proud of their scissor skills as they carefully cut out their hearts so we could glue them onto the purple paper.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Elementary Library

This week in the library...

PS2 - We read Valentine's Day is Cool, Valentine Mice, and the Ebook Do You See Hearts?  We also watched the YouTube video Caillou Happy Valentine's Day.

PS3 - We read Valentine Mice, Too Many Valentines, and the Ebook Do You See Hearts?  We also watched the YouTube video Caillou Happy Valentine's Day.

PK4 - We read Panda's Valentine's Day and watched Franklin's Valentines.

Kindergarten - We read Fluffy's Valentine's Day, Love, Splat, and Valentine Bears.

First Grade - We read A Crankenstein Valentine and The Valentine's Day from the Black Lagoon.

Second Grade - We read Cam Jansen and the Valentine Baby Mystery.

Third Grade - We read The Runaway Valentine, Roses are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink, and Somebody Loves You Mr. Hatch.

Fourth Grade - We did the Digital Citizenship lesson Strong Passwords.

Friday, February 9, 2018

PK Computers

PK students are always excited to come to the computer lab. These children know the procedures well.  Their classroom nursery rhyme this week was 'The Three Little Pigs,' followed by a review of the letter 'L' from Turtle Diary.  After coloring the letter L from, the children were given instructions for 2 activities from  The Winter Olympics began this week, so the children enjoyed skiing, ice skating and snowboarding  with Grover and his friends.  We also traced numbers with Mr. Count.  Great class.....

Have a great weekend.

Mrs. Speck 
1st- Google Docs
2nd-Google Docs
3rd -Google Docs
4th-Google Docs -Table 

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Elementary Library

This week in the library...

PS2 - We read Blue Chicken and watched the YouTube video From Head to Toe. 

PS3  We read Blue Chicken and Bubble Gum, Bubble Gum.  We also watched the YouTube video Bear Snores On.

PK4 - We read Fast Food and Ride, Fly Guy, Ride.  We also watched the YouTube video Transportation for Kids.

Kindergarten - We did the Digital Citizenship lesson Keep It Private.

First Grade - did not come to library.

Second Grade - We read Cam Jansen and the Library Mystery.

Third Grade - We did the Digital Citizenship lesson Private and Personal.

Fourth Grade - We completed reading the book Twenty and Ten.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Elementary PE

Coach Freud's Corner
February 5, 2018

A Special Stepping- Stones Report

This report from Coach Freud's Corner is going to highlight PK3 and PK4 in their physical education classes.  We focus on basic skills such as running, skipping, galloping, hopping and most of all following directions.  We realize how fragile emotions are for this age group, and success is just as important to three and four year olds as it is to third and fourth graders.

This week the "Stepping-Stones" kids have had a taste of competition with relays including the use of hula-hoops and gator-skin funballs.  The relays have included all of the skills listed above with a few twists of our own or rather their own twists.  They are so excited to be able to try something new, and they are learning to take turns, share, and the order of things.

Until next time, "Keep on Playing."

Friday, February 2, 2018

Third Grade Computers

Keyboarding lessons begin in January for our Kindergarten students. Learning and mastering the home row keys is the first step in being able to master the entire keyboard.  Our 3rd grade students have mastered these skills and are now being introduced to the other 18 characters on the keyboard.  Each week 2 new characters are introduced and practiced.  We are using  This is a 'life skill' that will benefit them throughout their educational and professional life.  So proud of these students!!
Our word processing project this week was to create a 'flyer' advertising our Open House.  Spacing, different fonts, different colors, and inserting an image were all used to create this lesson on Google Docs...

I am so proud of these children...great class!!!

Have a great Super Bowl weekend.
Mrs. Speck

1st Grade-Google Drawing
3rd Grade-Google Docs
4th Grade-Internet research- Famous TN

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Elementary Library

This week in the library...

PS2 - We read Pete the Cat:  Pete's Big Lunch and A Pet for Pete.  We then watched some Pete the Cat YouTube.

PS3 - We watched Five Little Monkeys DVD.

PK4 - We watched Five Little Monkeys DVD.

Kindergarten - We read Charlie's Snow Day and Snowmen at Night.  We then drew a picture of what we would do if we stayed up all night.

First Grade - We read The Emperor's Egg.  We did a before reading/after reading worksheet and learned a lot more about penguins!

Second Grade - We learned about a new series of books, Cam Jansen.  We then read Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Dinosaur Bones.

Third Grade - We continued working on our online catalog skills by doing an independent worksheet.

Fourth Grade - We began reading Twenty and Ten and discussed the Holocaust.